Enya - Dan Y Dwr
Niphredil 2005.04.22. 15:56
2004. februr 14.
Dan Y Dwr Dan y dwr, tawelwch sydd. Dan y dwr, galwaf i. Nid yw'r swn gyda fi.
Dan y dwr, tawelwch am byth. Dan y dwr, galwaf i. Nid yw'r swn ddim fwy gyda fi.
Beneath The Waters
Beneath the waters, there is silence. Beneath the waters, I call you. There is no company with me.
Beneath the waters, silent forever. Beneath the waters, I call you. The sound is no longer with me.
A vizek alatt
A vizek alatt csend honol. A vizek alatt, szltalak. Magnyos vagyok.
A vizek alatt rk a nmasg. A vizek alatt, szltalak. A hang immr elhagyott.