Enya - If I Could Be Where You Are
2005.12.30. 23:32

If I Could Be Where You Are
Where are you this moment? only in my dreams. You're missing, but you're always a heartbeat from me. I'm lost now without you, I don't know where you are. I keep watching, I keep hoping, but time keeps us apart.
Is there a way I can find you, is there a sign I should know, is there a road I could follow to bring you back home?
Winter lies before me now you're so far away. In the darkness of my dreaming the light of you will stay.
If I could be close beside you If I could be where you are if I could reach out and touch you and bring you back home Is there a way I can find you Is there a sign I should know Is there a road I can follow to bring you back home to me
Ha ott lehetnk, ahol te
Hol lehetsz e pillanatban? Csak az lmaimban. Hinyzol, de mindig csak egy szvversnyire leszel. Elvesztem nlkled, Nem tudom, merre vagy. Figyelek, vrok szntelen, de az id elvlaszt minket.
Van-e md, hogy rd talljak, Van-e jel, mit ismernem kell, Vane-e t, mit kvethetek, hogy hazavihesselek?
Tl kzelt felm, most, hogy olyan messze vagy. lmaim sttjben A te fnyed megmarad.
Ha melletted lehetnk, Ha ott lehetnk, ahol te Ha karom nyjtva elrnlek, s hazavihetnlek... Van-e md, hogy rd talljak, Van-e jel, mit ismernem kell, Van-e t, mit kvethetek, hogy hazavihesselek?