U2 - Bullet The Blue Sky
2005.12.28. 00:41

Bullet The Blue Sky
In the howlin' wind Comes a stingin' rain See it drivin' nails Into the souls on the tree of pain.
From the firefly A red orange glow See the face of fear Runnin' scared in the valley below.
Bullet the blue sky Bullet the blue sky Bullet the blue Bullet the blue.
In the locust wind Comes a rattle and hum. Jacob wrestled the angel And the angel was overcome.
You plant a demon seed You raise a flower of fire. We see them burnin' crosses See the flames, higher and higher.
Woh, woh, bullet the blue sky Bullet the blue sky Bullet the blue Bullet the blue.
Suit and tie comes up to me His face red like a rose on a thorn bush Like all the colours of a royal flush And he's peelin' off those dollar bills (Slappin' 'em down) One hundred, two hundred.
And I can see those fighter planes And I can see those fighter planes Across the tin huts as children sleep Through the alleys of a quiet city street. Take the staircase to the first floor We turn the key and slowly unlock the door As a man breathes into his saxophone And through the walls you hear the city groan. Outside, it’s America Outside, it’s America America.
See across the field See the sky ripped open See the rain comin' through the gapin' wound Howlin' the women and children Who run into the arms Of America.
Lvs a kk gben
Az vlt szlben
Jn csps es rja
Nzd, mint szgezi fel
A lelkeket a fjdalom fjra
Narancsvrs ragyogs
Nzd a flelem arct
Ahogy ijedten rohan a vlgyn t
Lvs a kk gben
Lvs a kk gben
Lvs a kk
Lvs a kk
A sskaszlben
Jn zrgs s moraj.
Az angyallal vvott Jkb
S legyzetett az angyal.
Dmonmagot ltetsz
Nevelsz tzvirgot.
Ltjuk az g kereszteket
Ltjuk a feljebb csap lngot.
, lvs a kk gben
Lvs a kk gben
Lvs a kk
Lvs a kk
Itt van az ltnys
Arca vrs, mint tvisbokron a rzsa,
Mint a royal flss minden szne
s kipergeti a dollrbankkat
(lecsapja ket)
Szz, ktszz...
s ltom a harci replket
s ltom a harci replket
A fmkunyhk kzt, mint gyermekek alszanak
Egy csendes vrosi utca siktoraiban.
Fel a lpcsn az els emeletre
Elfordul a kulcs, lassan nylik a zr
Egy frfi belefj a szaxofonba
s a falakon t hallatszik a vros nyg-shaja
Odakint Amerika van
Odakint Amerika van
Nzd, a mezn t
Nzd, az eget felszabtk
Nzd, mint mlik az es a ttong seben t
vlt a nkre s gyerekekre
Akik szaladnak...
Amerika fegyveres karjai kz.