Loreena McKennitt - Skellig
Niphredil 2005.04.22. 16:38
SKELLIG - Music and Lyrics Loreena McKennitt
O light the candle, John The daylight has almost gone The birds have sung their last The bells call all to mass
Sit here by my side For the night is very long There's something I must tell Before I pass along
I joined the brotherhood My books were all to me I scribed the words of God And much of history
Many a year was I Perched out upon the sea The waves would wash my tears, The wind, my memory
I'd hear the ocean breathe Exhale upon the shore I knew the tempest's blood Its wrath I would endure
And so the years went by Within my rocky cell With only a mouse or bird My friend; I loved them well
And so it came to pass I'd come here to Romani And many a year it took Till I arrived here with thee
On dusty roads I walked And over mountains high Through rivers running deep Beneath the endless sky
Beneath these jasmine flowers Amidst these cypress trees I give you now my books And all their mysteries
Now take the hourglass And turn it on its head For when the sands are still 'Tis then you'll find me dead
O light the candle, John The daylight is almost gone The birds have sung their last The bells call all to mass
Zene s szveg: Loreena McKennitt
, gyjtsd meg a gyertyt, John
A fny mr majd’ elfogyott
A madak elfjtk a vgs dalt,
A harangok mind misre hvnak.
lj ide mellm
Mert oly hossz az j
Valamit el kell mondanom
Mieltt eltvozom
Megtrtem a testvrisghez
A knyveim voltak a mindeneim
Msoltam Isten szavait
s sok trtnelmet
Sok-sok ven t
hnykdtam a tengeren
A hullmok mostk knnyeim,
A szl az emlkeim
Hallottam az cent llegezni
Lehelni a parton
Ismertem a vihar termszett
Elviseltem haragjt
s gy mltak az vek
Szikls cellmban
Csak egy madrral vagy egrrel,
Bratom, nagyon szerettem ket
Aztn gy trtnt
Idejttem Romaniba
s sok vig tartott
Mg megrkeztem ide veled
Poros utakon jrtam
s magas hegyek fltt,
Mly viz folykon t
A vgtelen g alatt
E jzmin virgok alatt
E ciprusfk kztt
Most neked adom a knyveim,
s sszes rejtlyket
Most vedd a homokrt
s fordts fejtetre
Mert mikor a homok lepereg
Akkor halok meg
, gyjtsd meg a gyertyt, John
A fny mr majd’ elfogyott
A madak elfjtk a vgs dalt, A harangok mind misre hvnak.