Enya - Marble Halls
Niphredil 2005.04.22. 15:14
2004. augusztus 1.
Marble Halls I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls with vassals and serfs at my side, and of all who assembled within those walls that I was the hope and the pride. I had riches all too great to count and a high ancestral name.
But I also dreamt which pleased me most that you loved me still the same, that you loved me you loved me still the same, that you loved me you loved me still the same.
I dreamt that suitors sought my hand, that knights upon bended knee and with vows no maidens heart could withstand, they pledged their faith to me. And I dreamt that one of that noble host came forth my hand to claim.
But I also dreamt which charmed me most that you loved me still the same that you loved me you loved me still the same, that you loved me you loved me still the same.
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