Enya - Fallen Embers
2005.12.28. 00:21

Fallen Embers
Once, as my heart remembers, all the stars were fallen embers. Once, when night seemed forever I was with you.
Once, in the care of morning in the air was all belonging. Once, when that day was dawning. I was with you.
How far we are from morning. how far we are and the stars shining through the darkness, falling in the air.
Once, as the night was leaving into us our dreams were weaving. Once, all dreams were worth keeping. I was with you.
Once, when our hearts were singing, I was with you.
Hullott parzs
Rg, szvem visszagondol, minden csillag hullott parzs volt. Rg, az j rknek tnt Veled voltam.
Rg, a reggel karjban a lg volt minden otthona. Rg, hogy ama nap virradt Veled voltam.
Mily messze mg a reggel, , mily messze mg Csillagok fnylk a sttben, telt velk a lg.
Rg, hogy az j bcszott belnk szvdtek az lmok. Rg, az lom mlt volt. Veled voltam.
Rg, mikor szvnk dalolt, Veled voltam.