Enya - Athair Ar Neamh
Niphredil 2005.04.22. 01:28
Kszlt 2004. december 16-n
Athair Ar Neamh
Athair ar neamh, Dia linn Athair ar neamh, Dia liom M'anam, mo chro, mo ghlir Moladh duit a Dhia
Fada an l, go smh Fada an oche, gan gruaim Aoibhneas, thas, gr Moladh duit a Dhia
Mraim th, l go l Mraim th, oche go hoche
Athair ar neamh, Dia linn Athair ar neamh, Dia liom An ghealach, an ghriain, an ghaoth Moladh duit a Dhia
Father In Heaven
Father in Heaven, God is with us Father in Heaven, God is with me me My soul, my heart, my glory Praise be to you, oh God
Long is the peaceful day Long is the night without gloom Wonder, joy, love Praise be to you, oh God
I praise you from day to day I praise you night after night
Father in Heaven, God is with us us Father in Heaven, God is with me The moon, the sun, the wind Praise be to you, oh God
Mennyei Atynk
Mennyei Atynk, Isten ldjon minket Mennyei Atynk, Isten velem van, velem Lelkem, szvem, dicssgem , dicsrtessk az Isten
Hossz a bks nap, Hossz a homlytalan j, Csoda, rm, szeretet , dicsrtessk az Isten
Naprl napra dicsrlek jrl jre dicsrlek
Mennyei Atynk, Isten ldjon minket Mennyei Atynk, Isten velem van A Hold, a Nap, a szl , dicsrtessk az Isten.